.co.uk or .com? Which domain suffix is best for your business?

co.uk or .com which domain suffix is best for your business featured image

Before you start the web design and development process, you need a domain name followed by a domain suffix, for example, .com or .co.uk. The best domain names are short, snappy, and memorable. They tell users something about your brand and make a strong first impression.

An important part of your domain name is the suffix. This part of your domain name can also be called an extension or a top-level domain (TLD). In the United Kingdom, the .co.uk and .com suffixes are the most popular.

But should you choose .co.uk or .com for your business website? What is the difference between the two? And what can you do if neither extension is available?

We answer all these questions and more below.

What does .co.uk mean?

.co.uk is a domain extension that forms part of your web address. In .co.uk, the co stands for “commercial,” and the UK stands for “United Kingdom.”

This is a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) extension, most often used by companies based in the UK or those wanting to attract the UK market.

What does .com mean?

.com is a domain extension that comes at the end of your domain name. It’s short for “commercial” and is the most commonly used domain extension worldwide.

Because it’s a generic top-level domain (TLD), there are no geographic restrictions. The .com suffix can be used by businesses globally, making it a versatile choice for many.

What is the difference between .co.uk and .com?

.co.uk and .com are both domain extensions that indicate you’re a company. The major difference between them comes down to location.

.com websites are for global businesses, while .co.uk websites are associated with UK-based companies or those targeting the UK market. Any business, regardless of location, can use the .co.uk suffix, but it’s particularly beneficial for companies looking to appeal to a UK audience.

.co.uk or .com?

So how do these two domain extensions measure up? Should you choose a .co.uk or .com suffix for your business domain name? Here are a few factors to consider:


Both .co.uk and .com domain extensions are completely legitimate and credible. However, .com is the most widely recognised and used extension, which may lead some users to perceive it as more credible than lesser-known suffixes.


Due to its popularity, .com domains are sometimes harder to acquire as they are more likely to already be taken. In contrast, it may be easier to find a .co.uk domain name because more are available.


.co.uk domains are generally cheaper than .com domains. When comparing prices, be sure to check the renewal rates, as some providers offer discounted first-year prices but increase fees after the initial term.

Target Market

A .com domain is ideal for businesses with global aspirations, while a .co.uk domain signals to customers that your business is UK-based. This can imply faster shipping, easier returns, and localised customer service, which may encourage UK-based customers to choose your site.


Since .com is the default domain extension for most, users may attempt to enter .com first when searching for your site. If they are unsuccessful, they may try .co.uk next, but it’s important to consider that this adds an extra step for potential visitors.

.co.uk vs .uk

.co.uk and .com have long been the go-to domain extensions for UK businesses. However, the .uk extension, launched to provide more options for UK domain registrations, offers an alternative.

.uk is shorter and more contemporary than .co.uk, aligning with the format of other ccTLDs around the world. However, .co.uk remains familiar and trusted, which may suit some brands better.

Should you register more than one domain suffix?

You may choose to register more than one domain suffix, such as .co.uk, .uk, and .com, to cover all your bases. By setting up redirects from each of these to your main site, you can ensure customers find your business regardless of the suffix they try. This also prevents competitors from registering similar domains and potentially diverting traffic.

For businesses with larger budgets and ambitions, securing multiple domain extensions can be a smart move. However, it can be costly, and smaller businesses may want to focus on one key domain to start with.

What should you do if .co.uk, .uk, and .com aren’t available?

If your preferred domain extensions aren’t available, you have two options: choose another domain suffix or select a different domain name.

Pick another domain suffix

There are many other domain suffixes to choose from, but be cautious. Users are familiar with .com and .co.uk, and less common suffixes may appear untrustworthy . You could consider alternatives like .net, .org, or country-code TLDs such as .de or .io, depending on your brand and audience. In 2015 many more domain suffixes became available such as .cards, .shop, and .tech, offering more specific options tailored to your industry. However, it’s important to consider how recognizable these suffixes are to your audience.

Pick another domain name

If your desired suffix is unavailable, consider a variation of your domain name. For example, instead of daisychain.com, you might try daisychainflorist.com or flowersbydaisychain.co.uk.

Just remember to keep your domain name short and memorable, and avoid complex punctuation or numbers that could confuse users.

Need help choosing the right domain name?

We hope this post has helped clarify the differences between .co.uk and .com and which might be best for your business. But if you need further advice, the Radical agency team is here to help.

For more tips on choosing a domain name or getting started with your web design and development project, get in touch with us today.

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